Pokemon Blastoys Leagues - Season II will start very soon, is your deck ready for this Event?
As I already said before, Pokemon Blastoys Leagues - Season II will be different from its previous one, all rule now will follow TPCi's Rule. Also.. in Pokemon Blastoys Leagues - Season II, each participants will get official Player ID for FREE!
Prize? Yes.. we already increased total value for Pokemon Blastoys Leagues - Season II's Grand Prize, its almost 1,5 Million Rupiah Total!
And another good news.. Pokemon Blastoys Leagues - Season II will only have 10 Rounds (with 2 Special Tourney between them) so you'll have less time for claim your Grand Prize, but of course it'll make you harder for maintain your Rank.
Also, we add some staple cards -like Pokemon Collector and Pokemon Catcher- in Roll Dice's Prize!
So, here the Pokemon Blastoys Leagues - Season II's detail :
- Time : Every Saturday (start 7 January 2012) / 10.00 am
- Deck Check : 10.00 am - 11.00am
- Tournament Time : 11.30am (make sure you have lunch before)
- Venue : Toys City Mall Puri Indah
- Each Participant of Pokemon Blastoys League, will gain several point depend on his / her ranking in each Pokemon Blastoys League.
- After 10 Times of Pokemon Blastoys League, Top 5 Players with the most points will get reward (Grand Prize) such as JPN / US Official Limited Edition Merchandise or a single rare card
- After 10 Times of Pokemon Blastoys League, all Points will be reset
- All Participant will get Card(s) such as Promo Card(s) or rare holo Card(s) in each round
- No additional fee needed, only entry fee each round.
- All reward cannot be exchanged or refund
Points Details
- 1st - 10 Points
- 2nd - 8 Points
- 3rd - 6 Points
- 4th - 5 Points
- 5th - 4 Points
- 6th - 3 Points
- 7th - 2 Points
- 8th - 1 Points
Provision Final Rank :
- If there are two or more players that have same points, players' rank will be determined by their attendance to Pokemon Blastoys League. Player that has more attendance to Pokemon Blastoys League will occupy a higher position.
- If at condition 1, we still get two or more players that have same points, player who most recently occupying the position where there are two or more players have the same point, will occupy a higher position.
- If at condition 2, we still get two or more players that have same points, the player who acquired more points at the last tournament, will occupy a higher position.
- Modified constructed with modified pairings.
- Swiss round Pairing with Top Cut
- Format : Single Round
- Time : 30 Minutes
- Number of Round : 8 Players = 3, 9 - 16 Players = 4, 17 up = 5
Top Cut :
- Format : Single Elimination & Best of Three
- Time : 1 hour
- Number of Top Cut : 8-15 Players = 4, 16 - 32 Players = 8
Deck Registration Sheet
Before you enter this event, you need to listed your deck. You can get Deck Registration Sheet from these links :
- Pokemon.com
- Pokegym.net
- Bebesearch.com (You need to register your ID / email first)
Rules and Resources
I recommended that you read the official TPCi's Rule and Penalty first, because we will follow theirs.
Alright, those are all information that I can give for all of you for now, of course you can contact me on Facebook for more information or if you have any question about Pokemon Blastoys Leagues - Season II.
See you at Battle field and may the best deck win.. :)