About Me


Hi there.. I'm Adrian Adi, I'm also called as Lord Lupin in some Forums or Games online.
I'm playing TCG Pokemon, and currently I'm as (the 1st) Card Professor for Indonesia. Some of you maybe ask 'how can you proof that?', well.. there no real evidence to proof it, but I can show you my Card Professor Exam's Result and Email from TPCi (The Pokemon Company International) :

  • My Card Professor Exam's Result

  • Email From TPCi :

What is Card Professor?

A Pokémon Professor is a knowledgeable volunteer that gives their time to the Pokémon TCG community.

Professors are dedicated fans of Pokémon games who contribute their time in order to organize events and teach new players the Pokémon TCG and Pokémon video games. Because many Professors go on to judge at events, they must demonstrate their rules knowledge and ability to organize events by first passing a required exam. Professors are third parties independent from The Pokémon Company International, Inc.—that is, they are not employees, agents, or independent contractors of The Pokémon Company International.

What does a Card Professor do?

Pokémon Professors often act as rule judges at Pokémon tournaments. They ensure that the rules of the game are followed during tournament games while answering question players may have. Pokémon Professors can also be Tournament Organizers, League Leaders, or may assist in the organization, execution and marketing of Pokémon TCG events.

What reward do Card Professor earn?

Play! Pokémon is developing an exciting rewards program for the Professors! It will allow Professors to choose their own rewards for time spent assisting official Play! Pokémon activities like Tournaments and Leagues.

Do you want to be Next Card Professor?

First, you need Player ID.
What is Player ID?
Each player is assigned a Play! Pokémon Identification Number (Player ID) that is used to track that player’s tournament play and League participation and to identify him or her in our system. Players must have this number with them whenever they attend a Play! Pokémon event. Players who have never played in a Play! Pokémon event, like a tournament or League, will be given one by the organizer of the event that they attend.

How I get one?

By attending any Premier Event.  Or you can contact TPCi to get one for you manually, TPCi's Customer Service 
After you have Player ID, you can login to www.Pokemon.com and take your Professor Exam Here

What I am doing now?

Right now I'm running a weekly Tournament called Pokemon TCG Blastoys League. Now this Tournament held by 'ko' Garth ~ the owner of Blastoys (The official Distributor for Pokemon TCG Product in Indonesia). The Pokemon TCG Blastoys League right now being hold at Toys City Mall Puri Indah every Saturday at 12.00 noon, you can see more detail about this Pokemon Blastoys League, here. I'm acting as Co-TO, Judge / Card Professor and player there.
If you want to know about Pokemon TCG Blastoys League or have a questions, you can contact me on Facebook.

I'm here also helping a young growing player to gain their knowledge about Pokemon TCG, and also providing them cards to play or collect, merchandise such as sleeves, deck box, playmat, charms, etc and all of them are original from JPN and USA, so I open an online store called Lord Lupin's Store. If you have a time, come visit my store here, I also make an online store for mobile version, so you guys can come visit my store even not at your computer (you can open it from your mobile phone), Lord Lupin's Store Mobile Version, or if you are an active 'kaskuser' you can see my store at Kaskus.
nb : read carefully the rule before you order from my store.
Note : right now, I'm not restocking any items at my store, I'm focus to completing my collection..

As a Card Professor, I open widely if you have any question regardless about Pokemon TCG, you can contact me at Facebook, or you can join us at Pokemon TCG Indonesia (Facebook Group) here, we can discuss a lot of things about Pokemon TCG there.