Nearest MRT stations: Tiong Bahru and Harbourfront
➤ Nearest Bus Interchange: Bukit Merah Interchange
➤ Bus services to Bus Stop A:
➤➤ From Tiong Bahru MRT (Bus stop opp Tiong Bahru Plaza): 195
➤➤ From City Hall MRT (Bus stop opp Capitol Centre): 124
➤➤ Other Services: 131
➤ Bus services to Bus Stop B:
➤➤ From Harbour front MRT (Bus stop in front of Harbourfront Centre/Vivocity); 131 (alight opp clubhouse)
➤➤ From Bukit Merah Interchange: 272 (alight opp clubhouse)
➤➤ Other services: 124, 195
➤ Bus services to Bus Stop C:
➤➤ From Redhill MRT (Bus stop in front of the MRT): 145 (alight near Block 1, Henderson Road)
➤➤ Other Services: 195, 272, 273 and 176
More Information Visit :
Note : There will be no side event for this Regional Championships..
➤ Nearest Bus Interchange: Bukit Merah Interchange
➤ Bus services to Bus Stop A:
➤➤ From Tiong Bahru MRT (Bus stop opp Tiong Bahru Plaza): 195
➤➤ From City Hall MRT (Bus stop opp Capitol Centre): 124
➤➤ Other Services: 131
➤ Bus services to Bus Stop B:
➤➤ From Harbour front MRT (Bus stop in front of Harbourfront Centre/Vivocity); 131 (alight opp clubhouse)
➤➤ From Bukit Merah Interchange: 272 (alight opp clubhouse)
➤➤ Other services: 124, 195
➤ Bus services to Bus Stop C:
➤➤ From Redhill MRT (Bus stop in front of the MRT): 145 (alight near Block 1, Henderson Road)
➤➤ Other Services: 195, 272, 273 and 176
More Information Visit :
Note : There will be no side event for this Regional Championships..
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