Saturday, December 21, 2013
[Puri Gym] - News 21 Dec 2013
Pokemon TCG Official League's Puri Gym ~ Season 2 (Fennekin)
When / Where?
Every Saturday at Toys City Mall Puri Indah, 11.00 am
Season Period :
4 Weeks, from 28 Dec 2013 until 18 Jan 2014
How to get the promo Card(s)?
You need to come and Participate at Pokemon TCG Blastoys League (More Detail) 3 Times only!!
1st week, you get 1 Promo Trainer Card.
2nd week, you get 1 Promo Online Code Card.
4th week, you get another 1 Promo Trainer Card.
Note : FYI, There might be another Prizes if you come 3 times for each season, but no information for now.
Need more information?
Contact me on Facebook.
Monday, December 16, 2013
Pokemon TCG City Championship Indonesia
General Information :
- Event Name : Pokemon TCG City Championship Indonesia
- Venue : Toys City PIM (Pondok Indah Mall)
- Address : Jl. Metro Pondok Indah, Pondok Indah, Jakarta, Indonesia 12310
- Date : Sunday / 19 Jan 2014
- Registration Time : 10.00 am - 10.45 am
- Fee : Free for Junior & Senior Division, 50.000 IDR for Master Division
Junior Division: Players born in 2003 or later
Senior Division: Players born in 1999, 2000, 2001 or 2002
Masters Division: Players born in 1998 or earlier
Prizes :
Master & Senior
1st Place :
A City Championships Trophy
18 Booster Packs
2nd Place :
10 Booster Packs
3rd Place :
4 Booster Packs
4th Place :
4 Booster Packs
What do I need to bring with me :
- Deck list, please bring your deck list.
Click here to print your deck list. - Your 60 Cards deck (sleeved), B&W : Next Destinies - B&W : Legendary Treasure format
New player will get POP ID for free. - Money, for lunch or buying / trading cards with other players
- Damage Counter & Coins
Tournament Format
Standart Format, Swiss Round & Top Cut
[Swiss Round - Single game, 30 Minutes + 3 Turns]
If time is called during a player’s turn, he or she completes the current turn, we will then add 3 more turns. This is three turns combined not three turns for each player. This will mean that the player who is not active when time is called will get the last turn.
[Swiss Round - Single game, 30 Minutes + 3 Turns]
If time is called during a player’s turn, he or she completes the current turn, we will then add 3 more turns. This is three turns combined not three turns for each player. This will mean that the player who is not active when time is called will get the last turn.
Use the following criteria, in order, to determine the outcome of a game that is unfinished after the three turns. After one of the criteria has been met, none of the others are applied.
(1) If one player was late to the match or was away from the match, without a judge’s permission, for any period of time during the round, that player loses the match. The judge must have been made aware of this absence before the end of the match. If both players meet this criterion, ignore this tiebreaker.
(2) If both players were on time to the match and were not away from the match for any period of time, players receive a tie for this match
[Top Cut - Best 2 of 3 games, 1 hour + 3 Turns]
Use the following criteria, in order, to determine the outcome of a game that is unresolved after the final turn has ended. After one of the criteria has been met, none of the others are applied.
(1) If one player was late to the match or was away from the match, without a judge’s permission, for any period of time during the round, that player loses the match. The judge must have been made aware of this absence before the end of the match. If both players meet this criterion, ignore this tiebreaker.
(2) If both players were on time to the match and were not away from the match for any period of time, the judge determines the winner based on the number of Prize cards that each player has remaining. The player with the fewest Prize cards remaining wins the match.
(3) If both players have the same number of Prize cards remaining, the current game continues, starting with any between-turns effects that take place after the last completed turn, if necessary, until one player has fewer Prize cards
Time Line :
10am Registration when Mall Opens
10.45am Registration Close
11.00am First Swiss Round
11.45am 2nd Swiss Round
12.30pm 3rd Swiss Round
1.00pm LUNCH BREAK 30mins
1.30pm: 4th Swiss Round
2.15pm 5th Swiss Round
3.00pm: 6th Swiss Round (Depends on the no of Masters)
3.30pm++: Tea Break for those who finished early.
3.45pm: Top Cut announcement
4.00pm: Top 8
5.00pm: Top 4, Top 8 Prize will be Given
6.00pm: Top 2, Top 4 Prize will be Given
7.15pm Top 2 Prize presentation End of Tournament! DINNER!!!!!
Notes :
Remember this Tournament is Premier event, so no Fake / World Championship cards are allowed, every detail (result & penalty) will be reported, and please read the full version of ruling Here
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Pokemon TCG Blastoys League Season X
Pokemon TCG Blastoys League Season X's Details :
- Event Name : Pokemon TCG Blastoys League Season X
- Venue : Toys City at Mall Puri Indah
- Time : Every Saturday at 11.00 noon (Make sure you have lunch before registration)
- Maximum Players : 17 (first come, first serve. No reservation allowed)
- Fee : 30.000 IDR
- Each Pokemon Blastoys League Season X's Season will have 10 round (1 round each week)
- Each Participant of Pokemon Blastoys League Season X, will gain several Point depend on his / her ranking in each round
- After 10 rounds, Top 5 Players with the most Points will get reward (Grand Prize) such as JPN / US Official Limited Edition Merchandise or a single rare card
- After 10 rounds, all Points will be reset.
- All Reward cannot be exchanged or refund.
Grand Prizes :
- Red & Green Long Box
- Fukuoka 2012 Renewal Deck Box
- Red & Green Sleeves
- Simple Strap
- Japanese Damage counter
Points Details
- 1st - 15 Points
- 2nd - 10 Points
- 3rd - 8 Points
- 4th - 6 Points
- 5th - 5 Points
- 6th - 4 Points
- 7th - 3 Points
- 8th - 2 Points
- 9th - 1 Point
- etc
Provision Final Rank :
- If there are two or more players that have same points, players' rank will be determined by their attendance to Pokemon TCG Blastoys League. Player that has more attendance to Pokemon TCG Blastoys League will occupy a higher position.
- If at condition 1, we still get two or more players that have same points, player who most recently occupying the position where there are two or more players have the same point, will occupy a higher position.
- If at condition 2, we still get two or more players that have same points, the player who acquired more points at the last tournament, will occupy a higher position.
Tournament Format
- Modified constructed with modified pairings.
- Swiss round Pairing with Top Cut (depend on number of player)
Swiss Round :
- Format : Single Round
- Time : 30 Minutes
- Number of Round : depend on number of player
Top Cut :
- Format : Single Elimination ( Best 2 of Three )
- Time : 1 hour
- Number of Top Cut : Depend on number of player
Rules and Resources
I recommended that you read the official TPCi's Rule and Penalty first, because we will follow theirs.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
[Puri Gym] - News 3rd Dec 2013
After a lot of discussion with Toys City owner and the others official officer, we came up with small change in Puri Gym's schedule.
Please keep in your mind, that we will start the league at 11.00 am every Saturday, effective from 14th Dec 2013.
Thursday, November 28, 2013
[Pokemon TCG Indonesia] - News 29 Nov 2013
For each venue please prepare for it..
Fee :
only buy 1 Booster Pack from the store where the LC is held. (Master Division Only)
Prizes :
Tournament Format
Standart Format, Swiss Round
[Swiss Round - Single game, 30 Minutes + 3 Turns]
If time is called during a player’s turn, he or she completes the current turn, we will then add 3 more turns. This is three turns combined not three turns for each player. This will mean that the player who is not active when time is called will get the last turn.
[Swiss Round - Single game, 30 Minutes + 3 Turns]
If time is called during a player’s turn, he or she completes the current turn, we will then add 3 more turns. This is three turns combined not three turns for each player. This will mean that the player who is not active when time is called will get the last turn.
Use the following criteria, in order, to determine the outcome of a game that is unfinished after the three turns. After one of the criteria has been met, none of the others are applied.
(1) If one player was late to the match or was away from the match, without a judge’s permission, for any period of time during the round, that player loses the match. The judge must have been made aware of this absence before the end of the match. If both players meet this criterion, ignore this tiebreaker.
(2) If both players were on time to the match and were not away from the match for any period of time, players receive a tie for this match
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
[Puri Gym] - News 27 Nov 2013
Pokemon TCG Official League's Puri Gym ~ Season 1 (Chespin)
When / Where?
Every Saturday at Toys City Mall Puri Indah, 12.00 Noon.
Season Period :
4 Weeks, from 30 Nov 2013 until 21 Dec 2013
How to get the promo Card(s)?
You need to come and Participate at Pokemon TCG Blastoys League (More Detail) 3 Times only!!
1st times, you get 1 Promo Trainer Card.
2nd times, you get 1 Promo Online Code Card.
3rd times, you get another 1 Promo Trainer Card.
Note : FYI, There might be another Prizes if you come 3 times for each season, but no information for now.
Need more information?
Contact me on Facebook.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
[Pokemon TCG Indonesia] - News 21 Nov 2013
Here you go.. all Official League Schedule.. All Schedules are effective start at 30 Nov 2013..
For all Gym Leaders, please kindly post your own official league ruling (how to the get the prizes) for your gym in this post comment (I'll post mine latter), or if the ruling is to long to write, you can post it somewhere and just post the link here..
And don't forget, you can participate more than 1 official league, so you can get more prizes.. (thats mean, you can get prizes for each gym..)
Gotta catch'em all guys..!! \^^/
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
[Pokemon TCG Indonesia] - News 30 Oct 2013
- Legendary Treasure Pre-release for Indonesia is up at Team Judicare Website now. As usual we will hold Pre-release tournament at Jakarta and Surabaya.
Please read the ruling and the format before entering the tournament, and remember to bring your POP ID, Basic Energies for playing and deck's sleeves (if needed). - As you can read above, there will be several update ruling for Pokemon TCG, you can read all the detail for update ruling here and here, and please remember when will those new ruling applied in your league / tournament.
- Following the update for new ruling, our official pairing system TOM, is also updated with newest version. For all League leader and / or card professor, please download and re-install your TOM. All older version TOM's report are now unavailable to be reported.
- For next season (2013-2014), we already got spoiler for the prizes.
League Challenge Prizes
Official League Prizes
Premier Event Prizes
Sunday, October 27, 2013
More Information For Legendary Treasure Pre-release Tournament at Mall Puri Indah
Tournament Format :
Modified format with booster draft
At a signal from the Tournament Organizer, each player opens one (of six) booster pack without revealing its contents to the other players. Each player then selects one card from his or her booster pack and lays it face down in front of him or her. Once a card has been placed in a player’s stack, it is considered selected and cannot be returned to the pack in exchange for another card. Players then pass the remaining cards, face down, to the person on that player’s left. The cards selected by each player should remain private knowledge during the drafting process. Each player continues to select one card from among the cards handed to him or her until all of the cards have been selected.
This process repeats for each remaining booster pack, with the passing pattern alternating from left to right as each new pack is opened. After all of the booster packs have been opened and all of the cards have been selected, each player constructs a 40‐card deck, using only the cards he or she selected. Players have 30 minutes to construct their decks.
Players may not trade the cards they selected in the draft with other players until the tournament ends. The Tournament Organizer may require players to fill out deck lists, including the cards in their decks and any cards not being used. Once the first round of the tournament begins, players may not alter the contents of their decks.
Each player will play with only 4 prize cards.
Time Limit : 20 minutes plus 3 Turns
We have imposed a time limit per round in order to run the event smoothly. If a match has not ended by the expiration of the round time limit, a winner must be determined without delaying the tournament for an unreasonable time.
If time is called during a player’s turn, he or she completes the current turn, we will then add 3 more turns. This is three turns combined not three turns for each player. This will mean that the player who is not active when time is called will get the last turn.
Use the following criteria, in order, to determine the outcome of a game that is unfinished after the three turns. After one of the criteria has been met, none of the others are applied.
- If both players were on time to the match and were not away from the match for any period of time, the judge determines the winner based on the number of Prize cards that each player has remaining. The player with the fewest Prize cards remaining wins the match.
- If both players have the same number of Prize cards remaining, the current game continues, starting with any in‐between turn effects that take place after the last completed turn, if necessary, until a Prize card is drawn. The player drawing the next Prize card is considered the winner of the match and the match ends.
[Pokemon TCG Indonesia] - News 28 Oct 2013
Registration Information :
- This Tournament Open to everyone.
- Player all ages are welcome. Players below 10 years of ages we suggest to be accompanied by they parents.
- Please bring along your trainer ID card if you have one. New Player will be issued one before the event.
- We recommended bring your own card sleeves and energy cards
- One player only allowed to participate 1 times only (For all Schedule above)
INFORMATION Team Judicare, Maxsoft Pte Ltd and Pokémon Organized Play reserves the right to publish tournament information including but not limited to the items listed above, transcripts, audio and/or video recordings or other recounts, player penalties, awards, or any other resultant information from the tournament.
TARDINESS Players are expected to be present for the start of a tournament and each of its component rounds and matches. Players arriving more than 5 minutes late for any round will receive a match loss for that round. Players who are still not present by the end of that round will be dropped from the tournament.
UNRULY BEHAVIOR Players are expected to behave in a respectful manner to all attendees and staff of a Pokémon TCG event. Players who don’t behave properly will be reminded to with the issuance of a penalty. Examples of Unruly Behaviour includes, Shouting and behaving in physically threatening manner, failure to comply with the instructions of the event staff, attempting to manipulate a match through intimidation or distraction.
ELECTRONIC DEVICES with the exception of devices necessary to participate in an event, such as cell phones, MP3 players, or text-messaging devices, are not to be used during a match. In some special instances, an electronic device may be allowed by the Tournament Organizer.
FOOD & DRINKS are not permitted on the play surface. The Tournament Organizer may allow food and/or drinks in the tournament area, but at no time should food or drinks be kept on the play surface.
WAGERING or gambling on the results of a game, portion of a game, match, or number of matches by anyone, including players, tournament staff, and spectators, is strictly prohibited. Anyone attempting to wager on a POP tournament should be removed from the tournament site, and the incident should be reported to POP.
HAND ELEVATION To avoid the perception of impropriety, players should keep both hands above the level of the playing surface at all times. A player’s cards should never go below the level of the playing surface during a match.
TOKEN & COUNTERS Players are required to provide their own counters to mark damage to Pokémon in play and counters to represent Special Conditions and other game effects. A judge may disallow the use of markers that cause confusion with regard to the state of the game or that are offensive in some manner.
RANDOMIZER Players can only to use the transparent, round edged, six sided dice provided by the organizer during this event.
PENALITIES Should an issue arise at a POP tournament, players and spectators will be subject to the Pokémon Organized Play Penalty Guidelines. All penalties above Caution level will be reported to POP for further review. Penalties issued to spectators may be assigned to the player or players that they are responsible for, if severe enough. The Head Judge has the final say on all penalties issued at a tournament.
ADDITONAL PENALTY : To Support Premier Event in Indonesia, especially Pre-release tournament, Player who only come to get 6 boosters pack without playing, will get a 'Banned From all Pre-release in Indonesia FOREVER' Penalty.
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
[Pokemon TCG Indonesia] - News 9 Oct 2013
- From 8th November 2013, Pokemon Catcher will get errata, now it need to flip a coin to success dragging opponents bench pokemon to active spot. Also the player who choose to take 1st turn at the beginning of game, that player cannot attack (he / she still can attach energy & play trainer). - For Swiss round, now we will use best 2 of 3 format, 50 minutes game time, and there will be a new 'Tie' ruling. This swiss round new format will be use in Next Premier Event. - For Pokemon TCG Blastoys League, we have a Free Season League starting 19 Oct 2013. This free season league will continue until we have a brand new Season of Official League.
More Information follow this link :
Friday, August 23, 2013
2014 Play! Pokemon Season Update
There are 4 Points to be Noted here :
Battle Road Tournaments
New for the 2014 season, Pokémon TCG Battle Road tournaments will now be associated with Pokémon League locations worldwide. Active Pokémon Leagues with a Tournament Organizer on staff will have the opportunity to run a League Challenge tournament at the end of each League season. League Challenge Championship Points awards and Best Finish Limits will not be affected.
This change will give more players an opportunity to test their mettle in a Premier Event, as well as give players more opportunities and flexibility to participate in League Challenge tournaments year-round.
League Challenge tournaments will continue to feature Swiss-only play with no top cut. Organizers of League Challenge tournaments will have the option to run best-of-three or single-game Swiss rounds.
Swiss Match Play and Single-Elimination Changes
Beginning in 2014, Play! Pokémon TCG Championship Events above the City Championships level will begin using best-of-three match play in Swiss rounds. Best-of-three Swiss rounds will have a time limit of 50 minutes plus three turns. As we make this move to match play, this also means that ties will be reintroduced into Pokémon TCG tournaments. Be sure to check the updated Tournament Rules documents for details.
Championship events will now also have a maximum top cut of eight players (Top 8). Some larger Premier Events will feature two-day splits, in which players with the top records from the first day’s Swiss rounds move on to play a second day of Swiss rounds prior to the Top 8 playoffs.
Pokémon Video Game Championship Series
Stay tuned for announcements following the release of Pokémon X and Pokémon Y on October 12th, 2013, for additional rules, format, and information regarding Pokémon video game tournaments. The Pokémon Autumn Regional Championships will be the final tournaments featuring Pokémon Black Version 2 and Pokémon White Version 2before transitioning to Pokémon X and Pokémon Y.
Tournament Entry Fees
Beginning in the 2014 tournament season, Pokémon TCG Masters Division players will pay for entry into Premier Events. Fees charged for entry will be determined by the event organizer and will be included in each tournament listing well in advance of the event. Junior and Senior Division players will still pay no entry fees for Premier Events (aside from Prerelease tournaments).
Players in Pokémon video game tournaments will continue to pay no entry fees.
Changes to Tournament Prize Structure
Play! Pokémon will be increasing prize support in the TCG Masters Division to coincide with the change to entry fees. Masters Division booster pack prizes will be increased at City Championships level and above, and prizes will be given to more players lower in the finish order. Four additional World Championships Travel Awards will also be added to the U.S. National Championships Masters Division. On top of that, Tournament Organizers may choose to award additional prizes to one or more age divisions. Be sure to check the tournament listings for details!
Also new for 2014, U.S. National Championships Travel Awards and Travel Stipends will now be awarded to the top TCG performers in the season’s Championship Point rankings. Travel Awards and Travel Stipends will be awarded as follows, based on Championship Point rankings at the end of Spring Regionals:
1st–16th: Travel Award and a $300 Travel Stipend
17th–30th: $750 Travel Stipend
31st–60th: $500 Travel Stipend
61st–100th: $300 Travel Stipend
Pokémon video game players will also earn U.S. National Championships Travel Awards and Travel Stipends based on their season’s Championship Point rankings at the end of the Spring Regional Championships. Pokémon video game Travel Awards and Travel Stipends are as follows:
1st–16th: Travel Award and $300 Travel Stipend
17th–32nd: $700 Travel Stipend
33rd–64th: $350 Travel Stipend
In addition, the 1st-place finisher in each video game division at each Regional Championships will win a Nintendo 3DS handheld system. Championship Points will also determine which players earn video game Travel Awards to the 2014 Pokémon World Championships. View the Video Game Championship Points page for more details.
Championship Points earned at the 2013 World Championships will not be factored into the rankings until after the U.S. National Championships.
Player Rewards Program
The Player Rewards Program will be discontinued in the 2014 season. We will be reallocating the funds from the Rewards Program into other Play! Pokémon programs throughout the year. Player Rewards for the 2013 season will be shipped out in the 4th quarter of 2013 to all eligible players.
Professor Program
All Tournament Organizer, League Organizer, and Judge roles will now be part of our new Professor Program. Professors will be ranked based on their tenure, activity throughout the year, and the exams they choose to take. Professor ranks will determine the rewards that can be earned and the opportunity provided to staff larger events, and will eventually dictate the prize support available for the events that they help organize and run.
The changes to the Professor Program will be introduced as the season progresses. Keep an eye on for additional information as it becomes available.
Look forward to the 2014 Play! Pokémon season, with more opportunities to play, more prizes, and more fun for everyone! Keep checking for updates as the season gets under way.
- No Battle Road
- There is FEE for Premier Event
- New system, best of 3 for Swiss Round and Maximum Top 8 for Top Cut
- No Player rewards for this season
Here the complete story from TPCi :
Battle Road Tournaments
New for the 2014 season, Pokémon TCG Battle Road tournaments will now be associated with Pokémon League locations worldwide. Active Pokémon Leagues with a Tournament Organizer on staff will have the opportunity to run a League Challenge tournament at the end of each League season. League Challenge Championship Points awards and Best Finish Limits will not be affected.
This change will give more players an opportunity to test their mettle in a Premier Event, as well as give players more opportunities and flexibility to participate in League Challenge tournaments year-round.
League Challenge tournaments will continue to feature Swiss-only play with no top cut. Organizers of League Challenge tournaments will have the option to run best-of-three or single-game Swiss rounds.
Swiss Match Play and Single-Elimination Changes
Beginning in 2014, Play! Pokémon TCG Championship Events above the City Championships level will begin using best-of-three match play in Swiss rounds. Best-of-three Swiss rounds will have a time limit of 50 minutes plus three turns. As we make this move to match play, this also means that ties will be reintroduced into Pokémon TCG tournaments. Be sure to check the updated Tournament Rules documents for details.
Championship events will now also have a maximum top cut of eight players (Top 8). Some larger Premier Events will feature two-day splits, in which players with the top records from the first day’s Swiss rounds move on to play a second day of Swiss rounds prior to the Top 8 playoffs.
Pokémon Video Game Championship Series
Stay tuned for announcements following the release of Pokémon X and Pokémon Y on October 12th, 2013, for additional rules, format, and information regarding Pokémon video game tournaments. The Pokémon Autumn Regional Championships will be the final tournaments featuring Pokémon Black Version 2 and Pokémon White Version 2before transitioning to Pokémon X and Pokémon Y.
Tournament Entry Fees
Beginning in the 2014 tournament season, Pokémon TCG Masters Division players will pay for entry into Premier Events. Fees charged for entry will be determined by the event organizer and will be included in each tournament listing well in advance of the event. Junior and Senior Division players will still pay no entry fees for Premier Events (aside from Prerelease tournaments).
Players in Pokémon video game tournaments will continue to pay no entry fees.
Changes to Tournament Prize Structure
Play! Pokémon will be increasing prize support in the TCG Masters Division to coincide with the change to entry fees. Masters Division booster pack prizes will be increased at City Championships level and above, and prizes will be given to more players lower in the finish order. Four additional World Championships Travel Awards will also be added to the U.S. National Championships Masters Division. On top of that, Tournament Organizers may choose to award additional prizes to one or more age divisions. Be sure to check the tournament listings for details!
Also new for 2014, U.S. National Championships Travel Awards and Travel Stipends will now be awarded to the top TCG performers in the season’s Championship Point rankings. Travel Awards and Travel Stipends will be awarded as follows, based on Championship Point rankings at the end of Spring Regionals:
1st–16th: Travel Award and a $300 Travel Stipend
17th–30th: $750 Travel Stipend
31st–60th: $500 Travel Stipend
61st–100th: $300 Travel Stipend
Pokémon video game players will also earn U.S. National Championships Travel Awards and Travel Stipends based on their season’s Championship Point rankings at the end of the Spring Regional Championships. Pokémon video game Travel Awards and Travel Stipends are as follows:
1st–16th: Travel Award and $300 Travel Stipend
17th–32nd: $700 Travel Stipend
33rd–64th: $350 Travel Stipend
In addition, the 1st-place finisher in each video game division at each Regional Championships will win a Nintendo 3DS handheld system. Championship Points will also determine which players earn video game Travel Awards to the 2014 Pokémon World Championships. View the Video Game Championship Points page for more details.
Championship Points earned at the 2013 World Championships will not be factored into the rankings until after the U.S. National Championships.
Player Rewards Program
The Player Rewards Program will be discontinued in the 2014 season. We will be reallocating the funds from the Rewards Program into other Play! Pokémon programs throughout the year. Player Rewards for the 2013 season will be shipped out in the 4th quarter of 2013 to all eligible players.
Professor Program
All Tournament Organizer, League Organizer, and Judge roles will now be part of our new Professor Program. Professors will be ranked based on their tenure, activity throughout the year, and the exams they choose to take. Professor ranks will determine the rewards that can be earned and the opportunity provided to staff larger events, and will eventually dictate the prize support available for the events that they help organize and run.
The changes to the Professor Program will be introduced as the season progresses. Keep an eye on for additional information as it becomes available.
Look forward to the 2014 Play! Pokémon season, with more opportunities to play, more prizes, and more fun for everyone! Keep checking for updates as the season gets under way.
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Pokemon TCG Blastoys League Details
Starting Pokemon TCG Blastoys League ~ Season 7, we have some adjustment rulings and details for Pokemon TCG Blastoys League.
Pokemon TCG Blastoys League's Details :
- Event Name : Pokemon TCG Blastoys League
- Venue : Toys City at Mall Puri Indah
- Time : Every Saturday at 12.00 noon (Make sure you have lunch before registration)
- Maximum Players : 17 (first come, first serve. No reservation allowed)
- Fee : 30.000 IDR
- Each Pokemon Blastoys League's Season will have 10 round (1 round each week)
- Each Participant of Pokemon Blastoys League, will gain several Point depend on his / her ranking in each round
- After 10 rounds, Top 5 Players with the most Points will get reward (Grand Prize) such as JPN / US Official Limited Edition Merchandise or a single rare card
- After 10 rounds, all Points will be reset.
- All Reward cannot be exchanged or refund.
Points Details
- 1st - 15 Points
- 2nd - 10 Points
- 3rd - 8 Points
- 4th - 6 Points
- 5th - 5 Points
- 6th - 4 Points
- 7th - 3 Points
- 8th - 2 Points
- 9th - 1 Point
- etc
Provision Final Rank :
- If there are two or more players that have same points, players' rank will be determined by their attendance to Pokemon TCG Blastoys League. Player that has more attendance to Pokemon TCG Blastoys League will occupy a higher position.
- If at condition 1, we still get two or more players that have same points, player who most recently occupying the position where there are two or more players have the same point, will occupy a higher position.
- If at condition 2, we still get two or more players that have same points, the player who acquired more points at the last tournament, will occupy a higher position.
Tournament Format
- Modified constructed with modified pairings.
- Swiss round Pairing with Top Cut (depend on number of player)
Swiss Round :
- Format : Single Round
- Time : 30 Minutes
- Number of Round : depend on number of player
Top Cut :
Monday, July 22, 2013
More Information For Plasma Blast Pre-release Tournament at Mall Puri Indah
Tournament Format :
Modified format with booster draft
At a signal from the Tournament Organizer, each player opens one (of six) booster pack without
revealing its contents to the other players. Each player then selects one card from his or her
booster pack and lays it face down in front of him or her. Once a card has been placed in a
player’s stack, it is considered selected and cannot be returned to the pack in exchange for
another card. Players then pass the remaining cards, face down, to the person on that player’s
left. The cards selected by each player should remain private knowledge during the drafting
process. Each player continues to select one card from among the cards handed to him or her
until all of the cards have been selected.
This process repeats for each remaining booster pack, with the passing pattern alternating from
left to right as each new pack is opened. After all of the booster packs have been opened and all
of the cards have been selected, each player constructs a 40‐card deck, using only the cards he
or she selected. Players have 30 minutes to construct their decks.
Players may not trade the cards they selected in the draft with other players until the
tournament ends. The Tournament Organizer may require players to fill out deck lists, including
the cards in their decks and any cards not being used. Once the first round of the tournament
begins, players may not alter the contents of their decks.
Each player will play with only 4 prize cards.
Each player will play with only 4 prize cards.
Time Limit : 20 minutes plus 3 Turns
We have imposed a time limit per round in order to run the event smoothly. If a match has not ended by the expiration of the round time limit, a winner must be determined without delaying the tournament for an unreasonable time.
If time is called during a player’s turn, he or she completes the current turn, we will then add 3 more turns. This is three turns combined not three turns for each player. This will mean that the player who is not active when time is called will get the last turn.
Use the following criteria, in order, to determine the outcome of a game that is unfinished after the three turns. After one of the criteria has been met, none of the others are applied.
If time is called during a player’s turn, he or she completes the current turn, we will then add 3 more turns. This is three turns combined not three turns for each player. This will mean that the player who is not active when time is called will get the last turn.
Use the following criteria, in order, to determine the outcome of a game that is unfinished after the three turns. After one of the criteria has been met, none of the others are applied.
- If both players were on time to the match and were not away from the match for any period of time, the judge determines the winner based on the number of Prize cards that each player has remaining. The player with the fewest Prize cards remaining wins the match.
- If both players have the same number of Prize cards remaining, the current game continues, starting with any in‐between turn effects that take place after the last completed turn, if necessary, until a Prize card is drawn. The player drawing the next Prize card is considered the winner of the match and the match ends.
Plasma Blast Pre-Release Tournament
What is Plasma Blast Pre-Release Tournament?
Plasma Blast Pre-Release Tournament allow players to receive and play with cards from the upcoming Plasma Blast expansion before the official release date of this set!
Event Name : Plasma Blast Pre-Release Tournament
Registration Information :
- This Tournament Open to everyone.
- Player all ages are welcome. Players below 10 years of ages we suggest to be accompanied by they parents.
- Please bring along your trainer ID card if you have one. New Player will be issued one before the event.
- We recommended bring your own card sleeves and energy cards
Tournament Prize :
- 1st Place : Plasma Blast Booster Pack x 3
- 2nd Place : Plasma Blast Booster Pack x 2
- 3rd & 4th Place : Plasma Blast Booster Pack x 1
- Every player who finish the tournament will be have an additional gift :
- Promo Card (While stock last. Subjected to changes)
- Deck Box (While stock last. Subjected to changes)
INFORMATION Team Judicare, Maxsoft Pte Ltd and Pokémon Organized Play reserves the right to publish tournament information including but not limited to the items listed above, transcripts, audio and/or video recordings or other recounts, player penalties, awards, or any other resultant information from the tournament.
TARDINESS Players are expected to be present for the start of a tournament and each of its component rounds and matches. Players arriving more than 5 minutes late for any round will receive a match loss for that round. Players who are still not present by the end of that round will be dropped from the tournament.
UNRULY BEHAVIOR Players are expected to behave in a respectful manner to all attendees and staff of a Pokémon TCG event. Players who don’t behave properly will be reminded to with the issuance of a penalty. Examples of Unruly Behaviour includes, Shouting and behaving in physically threatening manner, failure to comply with the instructions of the event staff, attempting to manipulate a match through intimidation or distraction.
ELECTRONIC DEVICES with the exception of devices necessary to participate in an event, such as cell phones, MP3 players, or text-messaging devices, are not to be used during a match. In some special instances, an electronic device may be allowed by the Tournament Organizer.
FOOD & DRINKS are not permitted on the play surface. The Tournament Organizer may allow food and/or drinks in the tournament area, but at no time should food or drinks be kept on the play surface.
WAGERING or gambling on the results of a game, portion of a game, match, or number of matches by anyone, including players, tournament staff, and spectators, is strictly prohibited. Anyone attempting to wager on a POP tournament should be removed from the tournament site, and the incident should be reported to POP.
HAND ELEVATION To avoid the perception of impropriety, players should keep both hands above the level of the playing surface at all times. A player’s cards should never go below the level of the playing surface during a match.
TOKEN & COUNTERS Players are required to provide their own counters to mark damage to Pokémon in play and counters to represent Special Conditions and other game effects. A judge may disallow the use of markers that cause confusion with regard to the state of the game or that are offensive in some manner.
RANDOMIZER Players can only to use the transparent, round edged, six sided dice provided by the organizer during this event.
PENALITIES Should an issue arise at a POP tournament, players and spectators will be subject to the Pokémon Organized Play Penalty Guidelines. All penalties above Caution level will be reported to POP for further review. Penalties issued to spectators may be assigned to the player or players that they are responsible for, if severe enough. The Head Judge has the final say on all penalties issued at a tournament.
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Plasma Freeze Pre-Release Tournament
What is Plasma Freeze Pre-Release Tournament?
Plasma Freeze Pre-Release Tournament allow players to receive and play with cards from the upcoming Plasma Freeze expansion before the official release date of this set!
Event Name : Plasma Freeze Pre-Release Tournament
Event Date : 4 May 2013 (Sat)
Event Venue : Toys City @ Mall Puri Indah (map)
Entry Fee : 200.000 IDR
Admission Time : 11.00 am - 12.00 pm
Starting Time : 12.30 am
Max Player : 12
Event Date : 5 May 2013 (Sun)
Event Venue : Utopia @Galaxy Mall (Lt2 TZ - 38)
Entry Fee : 200.000 IDR
Admission Time : 13.00 am - 14.00 pm
Starting Time : 14.00 am
Max Player : 24
Registration Information :
- This Tournament Open to everyone.
- Player all ages are welcome. Players below 10 years of ages we suggest to be accompanied by they parents.
- Please bring along your trainer ID card if you have one. New Player will be issued one before the event.
- We recommended bring your own card sleeves and energy cards
Tournament Prize :
- 1st Place : Plasma Freeze Booster Pack x 3
- 2nd Place : Plasma Freeze Booster Pack x 2
- 3rd Place : Plasma Freeze Booster Pack x 1
- Every player who finish the tournament will be have an additional gift :
- Promo Card (While stock last. Subjected to changes)
- Deck Box (While stock last. Subjected to changes)
- 2 Plasma Freeze Booster Pack
Tournament Format :
Modified format with booster draft
At a signal from the Tournament Organizer, each player opens one (of six) booster pack without
revealing its contents to the other players. Each player then selects one card from his or her
booster pack and lays it face down in front of him or her. Once a card has been placed in a
player’s stack, it is considered selected and cannot be returned to the pack in exchange for
another card. Players then pass the remaining cards, face down, to the person on that player’s
left. The cards selected by each player should remain private knowledge during the drafting
process. Each player continues to select one card from among the cards handed to him or her
until all of the cards have been selected.
This process repeats for each remaining booster pack, with the passing pattern alternating from
left to right as each new pack is opened. After all of the booster packs have been opened and all
of the cards have been selected, each player constructs a 40‐card deck, using only the cards he
or she selected. Players have 30 minutes to construct their decks.
Players may not trade the cards they selected in the draft with other players until the
tournament ends. The Tournament Organizer may require players to fill out deck lists, including
the cards in their decks and any cards not being used. Once the first round of the tournament
begins, players may not alter the contents of their decks.
Each player will play with only 4 prize cards.
Each player will play with only 4 prize cards.
Time Limit : 20 minutes plus 3 Turns
We have imposed a time limit per round in order to run the event smoothly. If a match has not ended by the expiration of the round time limit, a winner must be determined without delaying the tournament for an unreasonable time.
If time is called during a player’s turn, he or she completes the current turn, we will then add 3 more turns. This is three turns combined not three turns for each player. This will mean that the player who is not active when time is called will get the last turn.
Use the following criteria, in order, to determine the outcome of a game that is unfinished after the three turns. After one of the criteria has been met, none of the others are applied.
If time is called during a player’s turn, he or she completes the current turn, we will then add 3 more turns. This is three turns combined not three turns for each player. This will mean that the player who is not active when time is called will get the last turn.
Use the following criteria, in order, to determine the outcome of a game that is unfinished after the three turns. After one of the criteria has been met, none of the others are applied.
- If both players were on time to the match and were not away from the match for any period of time, the judge determines the winner based on the number of Prize cards that each player has remaining. The player with the fewest Prize cards remaining wins the match.
- If both players have the same number of Prize cards remaining, the current game continues, starting with any in‐between turn effects that take place after the last completed turn, if necessary, until a Prize card is drawn. The player drawing the next Prize card is considered the winner of the match and the match ends.
INFORMATION Maxsoft Pte Ltd and Pokémon Organized Play reserves the right to publish tournament information including but not limited to the items listed above, transcripts, audio and/or video recordings or other recounts, player penalties, awards, or any other resultant information from the tournament.
TARDINESS Players are expected to be present for the start of a tournament and each of its component rounds and matches. Players arriving more than 5 minutes late for any round will receive a match loss for that round. Players who are still not present by the end of that round will be dropped from the tournament.
UNRULY BEHAVIOR Players are expected to behave in a respectful manner to all attendees and staff of a Pokémon TCG event. Players who don’t behave properly will be reminded to with the issuance of a penalty. Examples of Unruly Behaviour includes, Shouting and behaving in physically threatening manner, failure to comply with the instructions of the event staff, attempting to manipulate a match through intimidation or distraction.
ELECTRONIC DEVICES with the exception of devices necessary to participate in an event, such as cell phones, MP3 players, or text-messaging devices, are not to be used during a match. In some special instances, an electronic device may be allowed by the Tournament Organizer.
FOOD & DRINKS are not permitted on the play surface. The Tournament Organizer may allow food and/or drinks in the tournament area, but at no time should food or drinks be kept on the play surface.
WAGERING or gambling on the results of a game, portion of a game, match, or number of matches by anyone, including players, tournament staff, and spectators, is strictly prohibited. Anyone attempting to wager on a POP tournament should be removed from the tournament site, and the incident should be reported to POP.
HAND ELEVATION To avoid the perception of impropriety, players should keep both hands above the level of the playing surface at all times. A player’s cards should never go below the level of the playing surface during a match.
TOKEN & COUNTERS Players are required to provide their own counters to mark damage to Pokémon in play and counters to represent Special Conditions and other game effects. A judge may disallow the use of markers that cause confusion with regard to the state of the game or that are offensive in some manner.
RANDOMIZER Players can only to use the transparent, round edged, six sided dice provided by the organizer during this event.
PENALITIES Should an issue arise at a POP tournament, players and spectators will be subject to the Pokémon Organized Play Penalty Guidelines. All penalties above Caution level will be reported to POP for further review. Penalties issued to spectators may be assigned to the player or players that they are responsible for, if severe enough. The Head Judge has the final say on all penalties issued at a tournament.
Friday, March 22, 2013
Additional Ruling About Official League
Since there are some of you run out chance to get Badge for 1st season league, we try give you some more chance to get your Badge by adding a couple ruling :
➤ You HAVE a choice to continue your current season progress (Season N-1) of League to get the badge while the new season (Season N) of the league is on progress, or you can forget your progress at Season N-1 and start Season N. If you choose to continue your progress at Season N-1, at that time your progress is still on Season N-1, and will not count towards Season N's attendance. So you still need to struggle to come and participate with minimal attendance of current Season N to get the badge of Season N
➤ If your progress is still at Season N-2 (or below) and right now we are at Season N, you still can continue your progress at Season N-2 (or below) to get the badge, or you can start Season N and forgot your progress. But you DON'T have a chance to start a Season between your current progress (Season N-2 or below) with Season N (now)
Keep in your mind, we already give you time table and minimal participation to get the badge, and those won't change if you wish to continue your current season.
Example #1 : Player A is only have 2 weeks participation in 1st season , and we are now at 2nd season, and he / she only need 1 more week participation to get the badge. He / she have a choice to continue 1st season, or start 2nd season and lose his / her opportunity to get badge at 1st season.
Example #2 : Player A is only have 2 weeks participation in 1st season , and we are now at 3rd season, and he / she only need 1 more week participation to get the badge. He / she have a choice to continue 1st season, or start 3rd season and lose his / her opportunity to get badge at 1st season. But both option will not give him / her a chance to start 2nd Season, so after he /she finished 1st season, he /she will enter 3rd season.
➤ You HAVE a choice to continue your current season progress (Season N-1) of League to get the badge while the new season (Season N) of the league is on progress, or you can forget your progress at Season N-1 and start Season N. If you choose to continue your progress at Season N-1, at that time your progress is still on Season N-1, and will not count towards Season N's attendance. So you still need to struggle to come and participate with minimal attendance of current Season N to get the badge of Season N
➤ If your progress is still at Season N-2 (or below) and right now we are at Season N, you still can continue your progress at Season N-2 (or below) to get the badge, or you can start Season N and forgot your progress. But you DON'T have a chance to start a Season between your current progress (Season N-2 or below) with Season N (now)
Keep in your mind, we already give you time table and minimal participation to get the badge, and those won't change if you wish to continue your current season.
Example #1 : Player A is only have 2 weeks participation in 1st season , and we are now at 2nd season, and he / she only need 1 more week participation to get the badge. He / she have a choice to continue 1st season, or start 2nd season and lose his / her opportunity to get badge at 1st season.
Example #2 : Player A is only have 2 weeks participation in 1st season , and we are now at 3rd season, and he / she only need 1 more week participation to get the badge. He / she have a choice to continue 1st season, or start 3rd season and lose his / her opportunity to get badge at 1st season. But both option will not give him / her a chance to start 2nd Season, so after he /she finished 1st season, he /she will enter 3rd season.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Pokemon TCG SEA Regional Championship Spring 2013 - Singapore
This is my Report from Pokemon TCG SEA Regional Championship Spring in Singapore ~ 16-17 March 2013 :
My Deck : Darkrai Laser
➤ Round 1 : Hie Dao Qiu ~ Landorus EX / Terrakion / Stunkfish ~ LOSE
➤ Round 2 : Lum Tat Wai ~ Darkrai Laser ~ WIN
➤ Round 3 : Jeremia Sng ~ Darkrai Laser ~ WIN
➤ Round 4 : Glenn Tan ~ Darkrai Laser ~ WIN
➤ Round 5 : Reuben Fong ~ Keldeo ~ LOSE
➤ Round 6 : Purvis Pang Jie Yi ~ Darkrai Laser ~ WIN
➤ Round 7 : Alvin Lee ~ Rayeels ~ WIN
I miss Top Cut and end up at rank 23 in SEA..
And as you can see.. 7 Rounds and 4 rounds against Darkrai Laser (Sigh!). The positive side, no one beat me with Darkrai Laser.. lol.. The down side, I really hate when player who beat me, but he end up with score (2-5), I guess he drop out from tournament.. he makes my Opponents Win % so low.. >__<
Oh well.. I must do better for next regional in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia..
So far.. its really-really great experience to play in Singapore.. meet and make a lot of friend there.. got a couple things that I never found in Indonesia (2 pack blister, and Tower deck box Ultra Pro)
you Guys also should try and play there.. :D
fiuh.. Monday morning call again.. need to back to reality (work)..
Thanks for everything Singapore.. ^^V

My Deck : Darkrai Laser
➤ Round 1 : Hie Dao Qiu ~ Landorus EX / Terrakion / Stunkfish ~ LOSE
➤ Round 2 : Lum Tat Wai ~ Darkrai Laser ~ WIN
➤ Round 3 : Jeremia Sng ~ Darkrai Laser ~ WIN
➤ Round 4 : Glenn Tan ~ Darkrai Laser ~ WIN
➤ Round 5 : Reuben Fong ~ Keldeo ~ LOSE
➤ Round 6 : Purvis Pang Jie Yi ~ Darkrai Laser ~ WIN
➤ Round 7 : Alvin Lee ~ Rayeels ~ WIN
I miss Top Cut and end up at rank 23 in SEA..
And as you can see.. 7 Rounds and 4 rounds against Darkrai Laser (Sigh!). The positive side, no one beat me with Darkrai Laser.. lol.. The down side, I really hate when player who beat me, but he end up with score (2-5), I guess he drop out from tournament.. he makes my Opponents Win % so low.. >__<
Oh well.. I must do better for next regional in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia..
So far.. its really-really great experience to play in Singapore.. meet and make a lot of friend there.. got a couple things that I never found in Indonesia (2 pack blister, and Tower deck box Ultra Pro)
you Guys also should try and play there.. :D
fiuh.. Monday morning call again.. need to back to reality (work)..
Thanks for everything Singapore.. ^^V

Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Pokemon TCG Blastoys League - Season VII
Our Pokemon Blastoys League - Season VI will be over, and of course we will continue with Pokemon Blastoys League - Season VII..
For Our next Pokemon Blastoys League - Season VII, the fee will reduce to 30.000 IDR each and each players will get a booster Pack..
also, Our big brother - @Garth Armagatlie will act as League owner and League Leader now..
The point system, will slightly have a change (number of points you get for each rank will be different)
alright, here more detail about Pokemon Blatoys League - Season VII :
League Information
➤ League Name : Pokemon Blastoys League – Season VII
➤ League Owner : Garth Armagatlie
➤ League Leader : Garth Armagatlie
➤ Card Professor : Adrian Adi
General Information
➤ Venue : Toys City Mall Puri Indah
➤ Time : Every Saturday, 12.00 noon (make sure you have lunched before enter the tournament)
➤ Maximum Player : 17 (first come, first serve. No Reservation allowed)
➤ Fee : 30.000 IDR (just to pay Booster Pack for Prize)
➤ Number of Round in this Season : 10 Rounds (1 round each week)
➤ Point Detail :
➤➤ 1st : 25 Points
➤➤ 2nd : 21 Points
➤➤ 3rd : 18 Points
➤➤ 4th : 16 Points
➤➤ 5th : 15 Points
➤➤ 6th : 14 Points
➤➤ 7th : 13 Points
➤➤ 8th : 12 Points
➤➤ Etc
➤ Provision Final Rank :
➤➤ If there are two or more players that have same points, player’s rank will be determined by the number of the highest rank each players have in current season.
➤➤ If at condition 1, we still get two or more players that have same points, the player who acquired more points at the last tournament, will occupy a higher position.
➤ Weekly Prizes : Each Players open a booster pack, from those cards the weekly Prizes will be determine.
➤ Grand Prizes
➤➤ Black and White Kyurem Deck box – White Version
➤➤ Mewtwo Rayquaza deck box
➤➤ Nobunaga Strap – Evee Version
➤➤ Black Pokeball Sleeves
➤➤ Celebi Sleeves
➤ Modified constructed with modified pairings
➤ Swiss round pairing with Top Cut
➤ Swiss round :
➤➤ Single Round
➤➤ 30 Minutes
➤➤ Number of round : depend on number of player
➤ Top Cut :
➤➤ Single Elimination (Best of Three)
➤➤ 1 Hour
➤➤Number of round : depend on number of player
Rules & Regulations
➤ TARDINESS Players are expected to be present for the start of a tournament and each of its component rounds and matches. Players arriving more than 5 minutes late for any round will receive a match loss for that round. Players who are still not present by the end of that round will be dropped from the tournament.
➤ UNRULY BEHAVIOR Players are expected to behave in a respectful manner to all attendees and staff of a Pokémon TCG event. Players who don’t behave properly will be reminded to with the issuance of a penalty. Examples of Unruly Behaviour includes, Shouting and behaving in physically threatening manner, failure to comply with the instructions of the event staff, attempting to manipulate a match through intimidation or distraction.
➤ ELECTRONIC DEVICES with the exception of devices necessary to participate in an event, such as cell phones, MP3 players, or text-messaging devices, are not to be used during a match. In some special instances, an electronic device may be allowed by the Tournament Organizer.
➤ FOOD & DRINKS are not permitted on the play surface. The Tournament Organizer may allow food and/or drinks in the tournament area, but at no time should food or drinks be kept on the play surface.
➤ WAGERING or gambling on the results of a game, portion of a game, match, or number of matches by anyone, including players, tournament staff, and spectators, is strictly prohibited. Anyone attempting to wager on a POP tournament should be removed from the tournament site, and the incident should be reported to POP.
➤ HAND ELEVATION To avoid the perception of impropriety, players should keep both hands above the level of the playing surface at all times. A player’s cards should never go below the level of the playing surface during a match.
➤ TOKEN & COUNTERS Players are required to provide their own counters to mark damage to Pokémon in play and counters to represent Special Conditions and other game effects. A judge may disallow the use of markers that cause confusion with regard to the state of the game or that are offensive in some manner.
➤ RANDOMIZER Players can only to use the transparent, round edged, six sided dice provided by the organizer during this event.
➤ PENALITIES Should an issue arise at a POP tournament, players and spectators will be subject to the Pokémon Organized Play Penalty Guidelines. All penalties above Caution level will be reported to POP for further review. Penalties issued to spectators may be assigned to the player or players that they are responsible for, if severe enough. The Head Judge has the final say on all penalties issued at a tournament.
Pokemon TCG Battle Road Spring 2013 Indonesia
Mark your calender now!
What is Battle Road (Autumn) Tournament?
The Battle Road Autumn tournaments are designed to provide players with small, entry-level events on a local scale. These events are a great way to get your feet wet in the world of Premier Events.
In the Pokémon Trading Card Game Battle Road Autumn tournaments, players in each of the three POP-recognized age divisions can work toward earning Championship Points, potentially earning an invitation to the World Championships!
What is the Tournament Structure?
The tournament is run using the Modified Format and Age-Modified Swiss pairings. See the Pokémon Tournament Rules for information about the Modified Format and Swiss. The number of Swiss rounds to be run will depend on total attendance at the event. Each round of Swiss is a single game match of 30 minutes plus 3 turns. Battle Road tournaments do not include a Single Elimination portion; placement in the event is determined by final Swiss standings.
What are the Prizes?
Participants will receive 1 Play! Point just for playing!
The Battle Road Autumn tournaments are designed to provide players with small, entry-level events on a local scale. These events are a great way to get your feet wet in the world of Premier Events.
In the Pokémon Trading Card Game Battle Road Autumn tournaments, players in each of the three POP-recognized age divisions can work toward earning Championship Points, potentially earning an invitation to the World Championships!
What is the Tournament Structure?
The tournament is run using the Modified Format and Age-Modified Swiss pairings. See the Pokémon Tournament Rules for information about the Modified Format and Swiss. The number of Swiss rounds to be run will depend on total attendance at the event. Each round of Swiss is a single game match of 30 minutes plus 3 turns. Battle Road tournaments do not include a Single Elimination portion; placement in the event is determined by final Swiss standings.
What are the Prizes?
Participants will receive 1 Play! Point just for playing!
1st Place
- 4 Pokémon TCG booster packs
- A Gold Victory Cup promo card
- 15 Championship Points
2nd Place
- 4 Pokémon TCG booster packs
- A Silver Victory Cup promo card
- 12 Championship Points (if age division attendance is 4 or greater)
3rd Place
- 2 Pokémon TCG booster packs
- A Bronze Victory Cup promo card
- 10 Championship Points (if age division attendance is 8 or greater)
4th Place
- 2 Pokémon TCG booster packs
- 10 Championship Point (if age division attendance is 8 or greater)
5th – 8th Place
- 6 Championship Point (if age division attendance is 32 or greater)
9th – 12th Place
- 4 Championship Point (if age division attendance is 64 or greater)
13th – 16th Place
- 2 Championship Point (if age division attendance is 64 or greater)
Official League - 2nd Season - Virbank Gym
Hello Guys..
This is the detail for our Official League - 2nd Season - Virbank Gym.
This season will start at 23 March 2013 and end 13 April 2013 (4 weeks). Just like last season, for earning the badge you need to come and participate to our Pokemon Blastoys League 3 times only.. and you'll get the badge for free at the end of season..
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Pokemon TCG Spring Southeast Asia Regional Championship
Nearest MRT stations: Tiong Bahru and Harbourfront
➤ Nearest Bus Interchange: Bukit Merah Interchange
➤ Bus services to Bus Stop A:
➤➤ From Tiong Bahru MRT (Bus stop opp Tiong Bahru Plaza): 195
➤➤ From City Hall MRT (Bus stop opp Capitol Centre): 124
➤➤ Other Services: 131
➤ Bus services to Bus Stop B:
➤➤ From Harbour front MRT (Bus stop in front of Harbourfront Centre/Vivocity); 131 (alight opp clubhouse)
➤➤ From Bukit Merah Interchange: 272 (alight opp clubhouse)
➤➤ Other services: 124, 195
➤ Bus services to Bus Stop C:
➤➤ From Redhill MRT (Bus stop in front of the MRT): 145 (alight near Block 1, Henderson Road)
➤➤ Other Services: 195, 272, 273 and 176
More Information Visit :
Note : There will be no side event for this Regional Championships..
➤ Nearest Bus Interchange: Bukit Merah Interchange
➤ Bus services to Bus Stop A:
➤➤ From Tiong Bahru MRT (Bus stop opp Tiong Bahru Plaza): 195
➤➤ From City Hall MRT (Bus stop opp Capitol Centre): 124
➤➤ Other Services: 131
➤ Bus services to Bus Stop B:
➤➤ From Harbour front MRT (Bus stop in front of Harbourfront Centre/Vivocity); 131 (alight opp clubhouse)
➤➤ From Bukit Merah Interchange: 272 (alight opp clubhouse)
➤➤ Other services: 124, 195
➤ Bus services to Bus Stop C:
➤➤ From Redhill MRT (Bus stop in front of the MRT): 145 (alight near Block 1, Henderson Road)
➤➤ Other Services: 195, 272, 273 and 176
More Information Visit :
Note : There will be no side event for this Regional Championships..
Official League - 1st Season - Aspertia Gym
Alright guys.. here the detail
about our Official League :
First, Official league will have 8 Season each year.. Each Season is about 4-6 weeks depend on each month's event (if there is a Premier Event, it will take longer). At the end of each season you'll get a really cool badge (just like the anime version), and each week you'll get a promo card that contain a code that you can redeem at PTCGO.. :)
What you have to do is only come and participate to our Pokemon Blastoys League (Master League) and you'll receive a promo online code for free each week, and if you participate for several times (depend on each season) you'll get the badge as your prize at the end of each season.. :)
its simple right.. no complicated rule.. :D
For our 1st season (Jakarta), its Aspertia Gym Season.. this season will start at 16 Feb 2012 and end 9 March (4 weeks).
For earning the Badge, you need to come and participate to our Pokemon Blastoys League (Master League) at least 3 times, and you'll get the badge for free at the end season.. :)
(Note : For Surabaya League, contact Tonny Hartanto Tanudjaja for more detail)
so what are you waiting for, come join us and have fun.. :D
First, Official league will have 8 Season each year.. Each Season is about 4-6 weeks depend on each month's event (if there is a Premier Event, it will take longer). At the end of each season you'll get a really cool badge (just like the anime version), and each week you'll get a promo card that contain a code that you can redeem at PTCGO.. :)
What you have to do is only come and participate to our Pokemon Blastoys League (Master League) and you'll receive a promo online code for free each week, and if you participate for several times (depend on each season) you'll get the badge as your prize at the end of each season.. :)
its simple right.. no complicated rule.. :D
For our 1st season (Jakarta), its Aspertia Gym Season.. this season will start at 16 Feb 2012 and end 9 March (4 weeks).
For earning the Badge, you need to come and participate to our Pokemon Blastoys League (Master League) at least 3 times, and you'll get the badge for free at the end season.. :)
(Note : For Surabaya League, contact Tonny Hartanto Tanudjaja for more detail)
so what are you waiting for, come join us and have fun.. :D
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